Remove Constipation without medicine

Remove Constipation without medicine
Constipation is very common problem. If you are suffering from constipation follow these easy things. You know medicine is not proper solution of the disease constipation. Drinking water is the best and permanent solution of constipation, but how? I will tell you two methods-

1)      Drink 3-4 glass water at morning time, empty stomach. It will activate your intestine and remove the problem. It is very easy and common method.

2)    Sun Ray treatment-Sun ray treatment is also a part of natural treatment, it also easy to do at home. Believe me it is proved and tested by me.

What is sun ray treatment?It is natural treatment where we use sun rays as medicine. But how?

 Here is the method-Take a green color glass bottle, after cleaning properly fill it with fresh water (not full, little empty) tight the cap and keep it in sunlight up to eight hours. After normalizing its temperature use it.

How to use?

Well, It is very simple take this water one cup and drink three to four times daily one hour before meal. It looks very simple but its advantage is very vast, it removes the chronic to chronic constipation. Take this regularly until you feel better.This sun ray treated water is also useful in high blood pressure, hypertension, skin disease, liver disease, digestive problem and urine problem.

There is no any side effect of it. It can be use freely.Any question? I am here ask me.  Doctor H


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