How to remove Gallstone naturally ?

how to remove gallstone naturally
Gallstone naturally

Gallstone or
gallbladder stone is a disease of digestive system. Sometimes you are not aware
about it until you feel any pain in your stomach area. Sometimes this is silent
disease because gallstone is developing in your gallbladder and you don’t know until
it creates some complications such as vomiting or pain in stomach area.
gallstone sonography

detect it by X-ray or Ultrasonography. Ultrasonography is the best method of
diagnose it, because it measures the size of stone.
I am not
going to describe its sign, symptom. Coming on point, if you or anybody
diagnosed that having the gallstone, how can remove it by natural treatment
easily at home without surgery or other expensive method.

What is the
natural home remedy for gallstone?
apple juice treatment for gallstone

juice treatment-
Olive oil for gallstone treatment
In this
treatment you need four items:
 1. Apple juice
2. Epsom
salt (Magnesium sulphate)
3. Olive oil
4. Lemon

Drink one
glass (250ml) apple juice (if you find green apple, it is better) four times
daily for five days. One glass at breakfast, one glass at lunch and one glass
at dinner. And take one glass before going to bed. (Remember fresh apple juice
is best for this purpose) Apple juice softens the gallstones. Eat normally your
food during these days or you can reduce your sugar intake.

After five
days on sixth day, take one teaspoon Epsom salt with a glass lukewarm water at
6pm and skip dinner. At 8 pm again take one teaspoon Epsom salt with one glass
lukewarm water. You can reduce the amount of Epsom salt according to your
capacity. Because it is a laxative, it opens the gallbladder ducts and flushes
out all solid stuff.

At 10 pm
take half glass (100ml) pure Olive oil and mix half glass (100ml) lemon juice
and drink it. Olive oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage. And lemon
juice helps to extract the stones out form gallbladder ducts.

After few
hours or morning time you will feel lose motion and can see greenish stuff
floating in your toilet bowl. This method removes Gallstone through dysentery.
You can repeat it again if gallstone still remaining. Small size gallstone
removes by this method at once.

This method
is tested and proved by
(NOTE: You
should take this treatment under your doctor supervision.)

Watch here

What is
Epsom salt?
Epsom salt
is medically known as Magnesium Sulphate. You can find it easily at any
medical store in India. It is available by name of Mag Sulf.
If you have
any question regarding Gallstone or this treatment method, feel free to ask
through comment. You will be answered soon.

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  1. Sir, My sister in law's has gallstone since last 1 year. If she follow your method which is written than get any side effect r it is fully safe?

  2. Dear Santosh Ji,

    It depends up on type of gallstone. If stone is multiple and in small size then easy to flush. But must take these treatment under medical supervision. Or try to take small quantity regular.

  3. My wife has pregnancy of 2.5 months. recently i came to know that she has gallstone of 6.8 mm. What should i do ? i do not want to go for any kind of surgery as it may be risky for baby.
    Pls suggest me the solution. My wife's pain is forcing me to take risk.

  4. इस टिप्पणी को लेखक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.

  5. See an experienced Ayurveda practitioner as anything suggested on internet may not be tried by a pregnant woman. "Kid Clear" capsules seem to be suggested by many, by the way.

  6. Simanto
    Sir plz suggest me,kuch din pahle meri ma k pet me bht drd ho ra tha itna drd ki ma ko brdast nai hota he,ma ko gastic v he .pet drd ke wakt doctr k pas le gye to doctor ne kaha ki sayed gallbladder me pathar ho gya he altrasound kra lijiye,mgr doctor ne gas ka dawai dya tha or injection v dya tha ..uske bat ma dawai kha k thik he av .drd av tk hua nai he to ap btayiye ki ma ko stone hua hoga ya gas k karn drd dta hoga

  7. Sir main ih formula use Kar lya ha. Par mere gallbladder stone fir v 31 mm hi ha. Hun ki kariye

  8. Sir main ih formula use Kar lya ha. Par mere gallbladder stone fir v 31 mm hi ha. Hun ki kariye

  9. Sir my sister of 16yrs having a gallbladder stone of size 13mm can she use this method given above and in how many will this method remove the stone.

  10. Simanto Barik Ji, sonography me to clearly pata chal jata hai ki stone hai ya nahin, agar isme stone nahin hai to possible hai ki gas problem hogi. Aap gas ki medicine le sakte hain

  11. Dear sir

    Patient Name:Mr BR Giroti
    Age-73 years
    Problem:-Congestive heart failure & Multiple Gall baldder stone size 3-9mm .surgery Not possible.Constipiation.Giving allopathic heart medicine & diuretic

    kindly suggest me medicine..for gallstones .& heart problem….

  12. Dear Mohit Giroti,
    In this age this is very complex condition. First need to remove constipation by proper food. But need proper guideline of experienced doctor.

    ARJUNARISHTA is herbal syrup, give this 1tsp 2-3 times after food, it will in heart problem. But don't forget in this is age proper medical supervision is must within use of any medication. Best of luck!

  13. Dear Hussain Khan Sb,
    Aap try kar sakte hain par apne nazdiki doctor ki guideline me hi kijiye. Shukria.

  14. इस टिप्पणी को लेखक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.

  15. Dear sir stone size kina remove ho sakda hai mera stone size 4mm hai Ki eh remove ho sakda hai

  16. Hi. Sir

    I have 17mm single gallstone can I use this method. And it always required to take green apple only.

  17. Hi. Sir

    I have 17mm single gallstone can I use this method. And it always required to take green apple only.

  18. Sir how to make apple juice and give the contyty of Apple,olive oil or Meg sulf

  19. Apple juice can be made in juicer or may available in market. 5-10 gm mag sulf and 100 ml olive oil.

  20. Sir I have a Gall Stone of 18mm can I follow this process, if I need to do it under a Doctor's Supervision can you suggest someone in Delhi.

  21. इस टिप्पणी को लेखक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.

  22. Sirapple juice ki jagah apple kha sakte hai… Mere 4-6mm hai kyA remove ho jayege

  23. Sir Pehli Baar mein remove ho jayege Ya phir iss treat meet ko repeat krna padega…..

  24. Pls, tell urgent, the age is 64yrs, also diabetic. Size of stone is 18mm. Is it helpful to follow this treatment of urs

  25. Age is 64yrs, also diabeti, female
    Size of stone is 18mm. Can we follow ur treatment, as, we dont want surgery. Pls, advice soon.

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